Talk about the foods..Hmmm..I'm lovin it. Now, I'm not just talking about the foods, but I want telling you about the greatest culinary of my country, especially the city where I'm livin' noww..
Well, now we'll talk about coconut satay.. Wait a minute, for you, if you're not Indonesia and have not visited Indonesia yet, satay sounds strange in your ears. Okay, I'll tell you. Satay is pieces of meat that stabbed on a thin stick called tusuk. Every tusuk may contain 4-5 pieces of meat. Well, now maybe you'll think that coconut satay made from coconut that stabbed on a tusuk. If, you thought like that, you're wrong.
Coconut satay made from beef meat or somestimes chicken meat that stabbed on a tusuk like other satays. So, what's different? And why did it call coconut satay??
The difference between satay and coconut satay are about the seasonings and the way it made.
Coconut satay is satay that is spread by the mix spices that contains scraped young coconut, kunyit, onion, jahe, and orange leaf before grilled. So, that's why the smell of the coconut satay, that was being grilled, is very great and gonna make you hungry suddenly and you'll swallow your saliva if you fail eat it, hehehehe.. The scraped coconut made the taste deliciously piquant. As the topping sausage, coconut satay using slices onion and nut seasoning that have been pounded (like the topping sausage of other satays generally) . Usually, the rice as the satay mate when it was served, is topped by the poya (special delicious powder spice just for Indonesian food only that made from garlic), or scraped coconut that have been pounded deeply. When coconut satay was being eaten, WOW !!, it gave sensational taste that would leave yearning on your tongue. I assured. Except, you're a vegetarian, dude !
Well, now we'll talk about coconut satay.. Wait a minute, for you, if you're not Indonesia and have not visited Indonesia yet, satay sounds strange in your ears. Okay, I'll tell you. Satay is pieces of meat that stabbed on a thin stick called tusuk. Every tusuk may contain 4-5 pieces of meat. Well, now maybe you'll think that coconut satay made from coconut that stabbed on a tusuk. If, you thought like that, you're wrong.
Coconut satay made from beef meat or somestimes chicken meat that stabbed on a tusuk like other satays. So, what's different? And why did it call coconut satay??
The difference between satay and coconut satay are about the seasonings and the way it made.
Coconut satay is satay that is spread by the mix spices that contains scraped young coconut, kunyit, onion, jahe, and orange leaf before grilled. So, that's why the smell of the coconut satay, that was being grilled, is very great and gonna make you hungry suddenly and you'll swallow your saliva if you fail eat it, hehehehe.. The scraped coconut made the taste deliciously piquant. As the topping sausage, coconut satay using slices onion and nut seasoning that have been pounded (like the topping sausage of other satays generally) . Usually, the rice as the satay mate when it was served, is topped by the poya (special delicious powder spice just for Indonesian food only that made from garlic), or scraped coconut that have been pounded deeply. When coconut satay was being eaten, WOW !!, it gave sensational taste that would leave yearning on your tongue. I assured. Except, you're a vegetarian, dude !
Well, if you haven't visited Indonesia, especially East Java and Surabaya yet, you are encouraged to try this food. In Surabaya, one of the most popular coconut satay is the coconut satay in Walikota Mustajab road. It is called Coconut Satay Ondomohen or Sate Kelapa Ondomohen in Indonesia
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